The Friendly Relationships between Arabic Men

It was unexpected how affectionate men are with each others, in Jordan. 

In Jordan, it's common to hear them address each other as: 
  • My love (habib), 
  • Love of my heart ( habib albi), 
  • My life ( ya hayati), 
  • My soul (ya rouhi). 

It is also normal to see men holding hands in the street, texting each other hearts, hugging and kissing each others's cheeks as a common greeting. The numbers of kisses symbolize how much you love the other person.  

However, the same public demonstrations of affection are not acceptable between man and woman, by the community. Even if they are married. 

Later, I found out the meaning of the arabic love songs. 
The majority are from man to man! As well the poetry.

Some women said that it's due to the conservative mentality, it's not morally accepted the manifestation of feelings, like passion, between man and women; 

Other women explained that it's to show great respect for women, men don't want to expose their loved ones;

I also heard that it is cause men respect women so much that they refer to them as men (!?!).

Initially, I started to wonder if this society could be secretly like the Spartans, where there were such strong male bonds. Women were more like a kind of partner for reproduction purpose. 
Spartans men only admired and loved each others's. They couldn't love a woman because they believed that women weren't capable of the same intellectual abilities. 

In the end, I concluded that it is just a matter of culture. 
Jordanian men have such close relationships, mostly cause of the conservative arabic traditions and strict procedures with the approaches to women. They even study in different schools, since primary. Just the universities are gender mixed. 

And also, although, homosexuality was decriminalized, in Jordan, it is not well accepted by the religious Jordanian people.