The Arabic Numbers

Jordan and Arab countries use specific numbers that are not used in the rest of the world.

It can be really challenging for a non- arab foreign to shop in Jordan. Fortunately, the biggest commercial stores and shopping centres have prices also in english. 

It seems that the Arabic and Indian people developed the numbers that we are using in the rest of the world, but they don't use them!!! I couldn't discover why yet.. 

Instead they use the following:

 ٠‬ - 0
 ١‬ - 1
٢‬ - 2
٣‬ - 3
٤‬ - 4
٥‬ - 5
٦‬ - 6
٧‬ - 7
٨‬ - 8
٩‬ - 9

The pronunciation, in Jordan, of the Arabic Numbers
1 - waahad
2 - tinain
3 - talaat
4 - arba
5 - khamse
6 - sitah
7 - saba
8 - tammaniyeh
9 - tisaa
10 - asharah
11- hdash
12 - talaatash
13 - talatash
14 - arbatash
15 - khamistash
16 - sittash
17 - sabatash
18 - tamaantash
19 - tisatash
20 - eshrin
21 - waahad u eshrin
30 - talaatin
40 - arbatin
50 - khamsin
60 - sitine
70 - sabanin
80 - tamanin
90 - tessien
100 - miiyeh
200 - miiten
300 - talat miiyeh
1000 - alf

Learning every day, Middle Eastern way!